16 week gender ultrasound

Bree • Baby girl born 6/30/15 Twin girls born 3/3/18

I had a gender scan for my twins at 16+1 and tech is saying both are girls. I’ve heard of 16 week scans being wrong. Maybe I’m just being hopeful since we have a beautiful 2 year old daughter and really hoping for at least one boy. What do you guys think? I’m not seeing the three lines everyone talks about.

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I did comment on another comment and I think it looks like a boy because that’s how my son(that I’m pregnant with now) looks like. But you never know. My last pregnancy I had twins and at my 16 weeks they had it was 2 girls(obgyn office) but when I had to go to the specialist for twins at 25 weeks they confirmed it was boy/girl twins.


Bree • Oct 17, 2017
Aww they are beautiful!


Pamela • Oct 17, 2017
And mine looked like 2 boys until 16 weeks. But also boy/girl twins lol. I think the safest time is 20 weeks plus.


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I don’t want to get your hopes up but do you see why I feel like baby A looks similar to my son?


Pamela • Oct 17, 2017
My son had always has lines up until 25 weeks or so. As you can see my girl has clear 3 lines and my son only 2. Where do you see a third like for her boy? I was actually so convinced I was having two boys up until they measured her ovaries.


Ap • Oct 17, 2017
It’s definitely a girl. With the boy there is no line, with the girl you can clearly see the three lines (in which we call the hamburger pattern) definitely two girls


Pamela • Oct 17, 2017
I knew from blood work that I had at least one boy and then my friend who did the sonogram said he couldn’t be 100% but the fact that the babies looked so different that he would say A was a girl. Well I’m 34+1 and he was correct and I’m having a boy and a girl.


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Went in for my 20 week scan and they confirmed both are girls. We’re a little bummed but we are lucky to have two healthy babies ❤️


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I spied on your previous posts, the one on aug 24th, the surprise post... What did your doctor say your twins were? Because by that early on ultrasound it looks like they're identical, which would be why they're both girls...


Bree • Nov 9, 2017
Turned out to be fraternal twins since they are in two sacs and have two placentas


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Yeah baby b I would question here is my little man (baby b) at 19 weeks. My baby a is a girl though.


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Both girls 💕


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The top one is kinda unclear to me, it could be either. The bottom looks like a girl to me but I had my gender scan at 20 weeks and it was super obvious that I had a boy and a girl in there.


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baby A looks like a definate girl. If i were to question either, it would be Baby B. the leg looks close enough to confuse. Either way, im hoping for healthy babies!


Pamela • Oct 16, 2017
I disagree. I’m not an US tech but based on my 16 week sonogram I think baby B (top pic) is the girl and baby A (bottom pic) May be a boy. I’m comparing this only to my sonograms. The bottom pic looks like maybe a scrotum. I’m going to post my pics below


Bree • Oct 15, 2017
I was thinking the same about baby B. I’ll be waiting for the 20 week scan to pick out names 😊