Facebook announcements?? Help!


I need some advice bc I’m not sure if this is a stupid idea. So I’m 10weeks and 5 days pregnant, I’ve had 3 miscarriages all under 11 weeks over the last year and a half and this is our 4th pregnancy. I’m not 100% in announcing on Facebook our pregnancy after I get my scan at 13 weeks. Only our very close friends and family know about our losses and because I know how heartbreaking it can be seeing someone announcing a pregnancy on Facebook after we have just lost ours so I thought if we do make it public I want to do it in a different style because we really don’t know if we will go full term with this baby (fingers crossed so far all has been fine) I’m very positive about this pregnancy but of course we don’t know for sure what could happen. What I was thinking of saying was something about our losses and kind of making an awareness to others about pregnancy loss in case there was anyone on my friends list going through something similar or anyone that knew someone going through a miscarriage. I’m not sure if I’m quite explaining it properly though, maybe I’m just being an idiot haha. Like I don’t want to make it a bam I’m pregnant everything is wonderful post, if that makes sense? Because this pregnancy is terrifying for us. Any advice pleeease I’ve not told anyone else this idea in case it is just not a good idea.

Also idk if I’ve posted this in the right group or not 🙈 I didn’t know where to post it.