iud help?

Felecia • 23, mom to an adorable 1yr old

has anyone else had weird periods accompanied with constant cramping and pregnancy like symptoms. I have had my IUD for about 5.5 months. have had regular periods since then...well up until last month. Septembers cycle was weird. I had minimal bleeding more like spotting and it only lasted a few days maybe 4 at the most. now when I say minimal bleeding I mean it consisted mostly of thick egg white like discharge with a pink tinge. took a pregnancy test a few days after and got what I'm assuming was an evaporation line. Im only guessing because I threw it out not even after 2 minutes since a line didnt show up a few hours later I looked at it and the line was there it was dark a a little color but I disregarded it since the time frame had obviously passed. since then I've had constant cramping, heartburn, discharge like no other (previous posts about that), headaches, constant peeing, constipation, some nausea, bloating, sometimes what feels like movement in my lower abdomen. and pressure there as well. now to this months period. AF was scheduled for the 15. I started spotting the 13th and so far it's still going on. I took a other test and nothing but still symptoms are happening. I'm so confused.