8 weeks pregnant & on a 6 month probation at work

Hey 😊

So i started my job on July 12th 2017, and I came off my pill in August because me and the hubby wanted to try for a baby! I thought we would have problems with trying to conceive as my mom had <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> with me and I wasn’t sure if I had the same issue however I conceived literally with a week of coming off the pill which I am blessed and thankful for 💕🙏🏻

So now I am 8 weeks & 3 days and I don’t have my probation meeting until January 12th so I will be 21 weeks pregnant. I’m so happy and excited about having a baby but I’ve gotta keep it secret from work until January as I’m worried Work might sack me for being pregnant and even though they won’t tell me straight to my face they might come up with an excuse to get rid of me! I am so good at my job and get brilliant reviews from customers but I feel because I haven’t been there long they probably feel like they don’t owe me anything!! I have had to take unpaid takes for my baby scan appointments 😞 just because they can’t find out!

What would you do?? Do you think it’s possible to hide it until 21 weeks?

Thank you 💕💕