When did you announce you were having twins and how?


So I'm 9 weeks 4 days and we are having twins yay! I've told some of my immediate family and what not but haven't told the world or announced via social media... with my last pregnancy my daughter I announced at 20 plus weeks when my belly was huge lol (the day after Valentine's Day) she was due June 3rd and we had her May 27th...(to give you a timeline idea) my sister is currently pregnant and due NOV 15th but she's probably going to go in sooner she's got a huge baby lol and she is petite. I don't want to "steal her shine" persay but I won't be able to hide it for much longer as This is babies 5/6 so my uterus is already going to grow twice as fast and with twins well you get it... I'm also a cheer coach and football mom and wear a 100 hats and with the holidays approaching turning down drinks will for sure set off alarms 🚨 lol so when is everyone announcing twins or when did you and how?