monster in law 👿👿


ok so she's not my monster in law yet but I literally have no other word to describe her.

I absolutely love my boyfriend but sometimes, when she pisses me off, I wonder if it's even worth it because I seriously can't put up with her anymore.

my boyfriend is 24 and still living at home, due to financial circumstances, that's more than fine with me because he's saving up to move out now that's he got a good job, it would be fine if his mother wasn't there, or who she is I should say.

she is constantly in our business and nosey, she has to know everything thats going on in our relationship, granted part of it's my boyfriends fault for telling her everything, like I'm about to take a shit do you want to tell her that too?

she HATES that my family is more well off than hers and she never let's me forget it, like almost all of my clothes and makeup are designer, now I buy my clothes off of hautelook and stores like Burlington and Marshall's, so while it may look like I spent tons of money on clothes and makeup I really don't, even if I did so what? it's none of her business and I work hard for my money.

she's got this sense of humor which isn't funny it's offensive, like so

back in june I was in a major car accident, car totalled, hospital stay, and when I got out all I wanted was a Nissan Sentra, the car I lost, just to make the pain and experience lessen. didn't think I was asking too much it's not like I wanted a Ferrari or Porsche.

in the weeks that I spent looking for a car she proceeded to call me a princess. she would even make jokes about the car accident and then tell me I'm over sensitive when I got upset. it was my 21st birthday and I was told I couldn't drink because of my concussion from the accident and the medication I was on, so of course I was upset, and when it came to opening my presents my boyfriend got me, she told me I was ungrateful for not freaking out over the gifts he got me, now I absolutely love what he got me, but I had a concussion and practically no voice, or energy.

when I got a Nissan Sentra, she called me a rich bitch

she always tells my boyfriend when meals are ready or if he wants anything but never tells me or ask if I want anything it's a respect thing for me, like you really can't say you guys?

my boyfriend sleeps on a futon until he gets a mattress and it's really causing some health problems so when I told him he really should be saving up for a matress before an apartment because of his health problems his mom was like "well I told him that weeks ago" is this really a contest of who told him sooner?

I recently got a septum piercing and she really went off about how much she hates it and how ugly it is and how she wants it out of my face, she went on for a good 10 minutes.

she overheard my boyfriend and I talking about moving in together and she completely lost it, saying he can't leave her alone with his dad and his mentally challenged sister, and proceeded to blame me, that I'm trying to drive a wedge between her son and her

she cleans his room when he's at work even though he tells her not to since he's not a child, anyway she tore his room apart looking for god knows what, so he confronted her about it and she starts making up excuses and she was like "it's that girlfriend of yours, you never had a problem with me going through your room or living here till she came"

his cell phone broke a week ago and he told her about it so she was like "oh you don't need a cellphone, all the people you need to talk to live in this house" I don't live with them

she also spreads lies about me to my boyfriend, like if I tell her something or say something she will twist my words to my boyfriend to make it seem like I'm a terrible girlfriend and a bitch

so, I finally lost it two days ago, I jokingly called him Steve urkel since his shirt was tucked into his pants and he accidentally put on a pair of pants that were too small now, she went on about how hateful that was and so he joined in and she was like "she's looking to get kicked out of the house" my boyfriend laughed, since he thought she was completely joking, so I start packing my overnight bag up cause I had it, he kept asking what was wrong and I just lost it on him

sorry for the long post I just needed to rant