Sex life

I am 18, have a boyfriend, been together since end of August . I’m a virgin only get oral and I give. I want to wait until marriage to fuck but I honestly can’t take a it anymore. He will sit there and rub his dick on me and it will have me feeling like

He will whisper in my ear, “I can give you every inch, I know you want it, just tell me to put it in” and I will sit there and think about him putting it in but then I realize I don’t want him to! What gets to me is him kissing and biting my neck..then going to my ear and licking 😩😩😩that shit turns me on

Did I mention he gives the best head I mean I have better but it’s good but the problem is since I never had sex, when he fingers me it feels so good but hurts as soon as he puts it in and take it out but it’s cool because this is the only way I’m getting some. Anyways I want a duck him so bad. I love our sex stories btw..I could more and get into details 🤔🤔SHOULD I FUCK HIM NOW OR NOW!!!! SHOULD I POST MORE??