It’s a bit more real now, but I can’t shake the worry


Had my first ultrasound today and got to see my little rainbow! I was so happy to see it’s little heart beating. It seems so much more real now than just seeing the positive test (even with my nausea and fatigue and achy boobs!). It measured at exactly 7w1d which is right on for my LMP and heart rate was 141, which the doctor said was “perfect.” I’m so happy, but possibly even more worried now. I lost my first at 9 1/2 weeks, so I can’t shake this anxiety. I wish we could just be excited! I’m trying though. Trying to be happy and my hubby insisted on taking a 7week pic today. Adorable. Thank goodness I have him!

I just had to share with you ladies. You’re the only ones I know will understand!

On a higher note, here’s the pic!