Plan B


((Long post ahead))

My boyfriend and I have been messing around for a while but just had sex last night for the first time. I'm on my period, we used a condom, I started birth control yesterday, and I have a plan B to possibly take. Not sure whether or not I should. Want to because I'm a very paranoid person, however, I have been less paranoid lately due to other medication but I'm more paranoid now that I'm not paranoid.

We were very safe and have always kept pre/cum away from my vagina (he also didn't cum in the condom while we were having sex, only pre), but not 100% since I'm so paranoid I'm not sure.

Should I take it or not?

I c a n n o t be pregnant, which I know I shouldn't have sex if I'm not ready to deal with that but my parents would actually kill me. In my state it's illegal to get an abortion unless parent's or the court's consent.