Waste of money / Best purchase

Special K

My LO is now 3 months and I realize there are many things that’s just a waste of money and a few lifesavers. What are some of your purchases that was wasteful or the best thing ever ? (Hope this helps the new moms)

- Diaper Genie: waste of time and effort. My baby used so much diapers we ended up just throwing it right into the trash can

- My Breast Friend: maybe this is helpful to others but I’ve always found it much easier to grab the nearest pillow or blanket to support my raving monster. Having to strap this on before feeding is a pain in the ***

- Changing station/pad: Used it maybe...2x. We ended up changing him anywhere we placed a “doggie” pad

- Size newborn or 0-3 clothes: I swear he outgrew these before I had a chance to wear them. Use hand me downs or just a handful.

- Swaddle blankets: Some of these shrink to such a small size that you can’t even wrap around the baby. Invest in some big-size muslin wraps - the BEST!

- Crib: I’m sure it’ll get used, just not now. Mines collecting dust, along with everything else in his nursery. We ended up moving all his clothes, diapers and bought a bassinet into our bedroom. Crib can wait...

- Doggie pee pads: we ordered a whole box from Amazon. Best ever! We used it to change my baby on practically anywhere. Also lined the bassinet because he would often times pee up his shirt and I’m tired of washing those sheets every day...especially when we’re bed sharing (yes, I’m faulty of that on countless occasions)

- Terry wash cloths: the thicker ones. I have a drooler and can’t imagine going anywhere without these. Just ordered some BANDANA BIBS. Heard they’re a godsend so can’t wait to use them.