Could this really be happening?!😮


I had a stillbirth @ 7 months when I was 23. Since then, I've had no other children.

I'm now 31 and recently married.

I've had tons of tests done, but besides having a bicornuate uterus and some mild endo that was clearded via lap/hsg/dnc in June, nothing explained why I couldn't get pregnant. Last month I started clomid...and now I'm staring at results like

It's just so hard to believe this is finally happening!

Here is my cheapy hpt from 2 days ago @ 3pm on 13dpo. vvvvvfl

Here is my clear blue from yesterday's 2nd morning urine 14dpo (I convinced myself it was false positive).

And here is my FRER fmu today...15dpo

Please please please tell me you see them!!!

Doctor didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with it being faint at this point, or with the fact that Ive had some cramping (no bleeding). I'm just over here praying this is real, this baby is sticky, and we bring home a healthy baby next June!!