36 weeks and bed rest sucks RANT


Been on bed rest since 34 weeks. I'm going out of my mind. I'm a stay at home mom of a 4 year old girl, we have a dog that has to go out 6 times a day and a cat doesn't stop meowing, seriously since we got her at 6 weeks she just meows all the time. Everything that normally wouldn't bug me is all of a sudden super agitating. My back hurts, every move I make causes contractions, I can't cough or sneeze without feeling like this child is going to come flying out of me. I've had period like cramps now for a week and Tylenol barely does anything and I'm STILL leaking fluid.. Since 34 weeks. And on top of it all I've been super stressed out and horribly depressed because my father in law passed away unexpectedly a week ago just 5 weeks before his grandson was to be born. I just want this month to be over and for this baby to be here.