Brain Tumor/surgery


Ok ladies I need some strong and encouraging words right now! I had brain surgery about 2 months ago to remove a brain mass that was bleeding and causing pressure on my brain. And been having some complications since. Like nausea and vomiting is the most troubling. I asked my surgeon he says he doesn't know what's wrong with me, just gives me meds. My doctor doesn't know what's wrong either and has given me meds for nausea so I am able to eat. Been in the hospital like 3 times since surgery (and none of the doctor's know what's wrong with me)constant nautious and vomit randomly still.. I'm going to another brain specialist in the morning just worried and still feel so sick. I just want good news tomorrow. Send me positive vibes and some encouragement. PLEASE!that this doctor can help me feel well again!!

PS had a blood and urine test for pregnancy came back negative