Big welcome to me 😒😏Scared, worried & upset to be in the GD club.


Can’t help but worry. I’ll be meeting with the dietician next week. Do you mommas have any tips? questions? Suggestions?. I’d love to hear your experiences and how you and your babies are doing.

Yesterday afternoon I checked phone only to Find a missed call & voice mail from my OB’s office. I immediately returned the call only to get a voicemail, mind you it’s 4:56pm & they close at 5. Left a message, upset that I would have to wait till the following day I decided to try one more time. Relieved that they answered, but now stressing because it wasn’t my doctors nurse (red flag).

She begins to tell me she was calling with my 3hr test results. Proceeds to tell me ok, so for the fasting test you should be less than 95, you were at..... (pause) ....another line ringing in the background.... I’m sorry can I place you on hold for a moment?... (😧😶😐)... anxiety starts kicking in.. really??? Just my luck 😑.... comes back on the line and asks if anyone has gone over my results with me... no.

She gives me my results:

Fasting should be less than 95

Slightly elevated 102

1hr should be less than 180

Slightly elevated 197 (“slightly” 😏)

2hr should be less than 155


3hr should be less than 140


I asked, “Am I being diagnosed with GD?”

Based on the first 2 failed results, yes..

Trying to take in everything she was telling me and stay level headed enough to make the appointment with the dietician, but I was fighting back the tears. I hang up and just cry, until my 2yr old tugged on my pants to ask for a snack but instead says oh,no momma crying. It ok momma it ok.

Waited for my husband to get home to tell him, he could tell something was off. Being the amazing man that he is he comforted me said we get they it together and not to worry.