Help ! Please - Period 10 days late , Cycle 43 - Took two pregnancy test yesterday both were negative.

Hello Ladies,

I wanted to know if any of you can grant me some advice.

My period was supposed to come on the 7 th or 8th of this month. We use protection, but the week before my supposed period had to start we had a quicky without protection. He didn't finish inside me because I told him to stop before things got intense.

Last week I told him that I had not started my period. He told me not to worry becuse I over worry since I suffer from anxiety and depression. Plus I been extremely stressed out because of family issues that are going on in my house and I been dealing with my depression and anxiety for 6 months now.

This last weekend I told him once again that I still had not started my period. And yesterday he went to go buy me 3 pregnancy test. He was there w/ me and I took 2 and both were negative.

Now I would like to ask what should I do ? Should I got to a doctor and take one there? or take the third one? Could it be a false negative?

Couple minutes ago I went to the restroom and I had little blood like spotting. Is that my period or implantation? Also, I have had cramps, headaches, back pain since two weeks ago. That tends to happen before my cycle. But I'm so confused right now

Here is an image of my other cycles and how late I am.