*6 week ultrasound- HELP!*

Wynter • Luckiest wife ever, being married to my best friend ❤️ Dog mommy to four 🐾

Because of a history of MC's, my doctor had a vaginal and abdominal ultrasound done yesterday at 6w exactly. We only saw a gestational sac/yolk sac. When I got bloodwork down last Thursday, I was at 5400. Because my doctor was concerned, he rechecked my bloodwork today 6w1d- 26,000. He wants me to come back for another ultrasound by him on Thursday, I'll be 6w3d. He said if he doesn't see more development, we will need to talk about "options". I've done a TON of research, and everyone is saying sometimes it takes anywhere from 6-8 weeks to hear the heartbeat. What do I do?! Any kind words/experiences are more than welcome!