How my November baby became a September baby


I can finally tell my birth story without crying, talk about hormones! 😂 *long post*

My due date was November 17th, but my body had different plans. I had a high risk pregnancy due to having high blood pressure (BP) which I’ve had for years. I went in for just a regular check up and my doctor said I had to go to the hospital because my BP was too high and needed to be monitored more closely. Thankfully my boyfriend came with me to this appointment cause I was freaking out.

We drove to the hospital and they took my BP then shortly after a doctor came in and told me that I was being omitted to the hospital until my BP was under control and there’s a highly possible chance we were going to have a baby by this weekend. This is my first baby and I was only 31 weeks 6 days pregnant so of course I was scared out of mind! I just started bawling. They got me all checked in and told me to relax, but how do you relax after receiving news like that? They put me on magnesium which made my whole body shake and had me burning up. Hours passed and they took my vitals every two hours with no signs of my BP going down.

When the doctor came in next she told me that I had preeclampsia and that we needed to deliver this baby cause I was only getting sicker. I felt like I had already failed as mom because my son wasn’t ready to come out. He was growing great doing exactly what he was supposed to, he had such a strong heartbeat and here I was kicking him out because MY body couldn’t handle having him in me anymore.

They moved me into the delivery room and gave me two shots in my butt to help with lung development for my baby because he was coming early.

My BP was still the same and I wasn’t dilated at all so they put this pill inside my vagina to soften my cervix, they did that 3 times and each time hurt. Then they told me they were going to break my water and insert a “balloon” to open me up more and try to get me to 10 cm. The balloon got me to 4.5 cm and I ended up taking about a 40 minute nap but when I woke up I was in so much pain! It didn’t feel like I had the epidural anymore and I was begging for them to take the baby out and for a c-section, which I was trying to avoid at all cost but I was in that much pain that I didn’t care. The nurse kept saying you’re not ready, try to relax. I kept begging for someone to do something and my poor boyfriend was just there rubbing my back and pushing the epidural button for me. Then finally the nurse said she was going to check me again and what do you know?! I was at 10cm! It’s was GAME TIME

The next thing I heard the nurse say was “she’s at 10 but we’re not ready! Who has a table?” Then like 20 people bust through the door with all this medical equipment, all these lights go on and the doctor comes in and tells me to start pushing. 3 big pushes and my baby boy was out! I was amazed, he’s was so perfect and his first cries I will never forget how beautiful they sounded.

He was born at 32 weeks and 2 days, 3 pounds 12 ounces and 16.5 inches long. He is currently still in the NICU and is breathing on his own with no signs of any major complications. He just needs to gain some more weight and work on his feeds. I go to the NICU everyday and I’m so ready for him to come home! 💙

Pic of my current view 😍