How I'm gonna tell him!!

Bry • Miscarried 12-12-17 💔 Proud mother of my rainbow baby born October 5th, 2018

So, I got two positive texts! Its time to tell my husband! But first, a little back ground info! I'm 23, my husband is 25, and this is our first time TTC. I just stopped birth control in August, so this is my second cycle trying. When my husband and I first started dating, he took me out to eat chinese food. Afterwards, they gave us fortune cookies, and my husband tried to throw it away! So I told him that we had to open them! Its tradition. He just laughed at me, but went along. Fast forward 3 and 1/2 years later, every time we get chinese, we open the fortune cookies together and compare. Well, this weekend, his fortune will be a little different. I bought some fortune cookies from our local chinese place, and replaced the fortunes with ones I had made. They say "You're not shooting blanks! We're pregnant!" and on the back "Your lucky numbers are 06-2018". I'm going to call the restaurant and see if they can switch the cookies for me when we go eat there this weekend. I'm so excited! Its everything I can do to keep from telling him, so I'm telling yall instead! What do you guys think?? 😊😊😊😊😊😊