I need to vent and need advice.

So I went to a city (I live on a small island that is a town) for medical. I brought my so with me because I needed someone to come with me.

For the most part the trip was good, got the doc app out of the way.

It was today that I am absolutely just...floored.

Night before last I had a friend on Facebook bash another guy (also friend, but he really did mess up) because he hit her son in a moment of anger.

So I understand why she did that. And the cops were looking for him too.

Everyone on the Facebook friends list of hers and even people that weren't, wrote on his wall and told him how much of a pos he is and that he doesn't deserve to breathe air and that they were going to hurt him when they found him.

He apologized profusely multiple times but it didn't matter. Then people posted the fact that he was being charged with a bunch of things from the incident that occurred. (It's public record here)

He killed himself yesterday

I cried all night last night. I was so upset.

Now back to what I'm needing advice on and such. So my so and I went on a tour, and while we were on that tour, he was showing me some of his Facebook private convo that he was having with a friend of his, who is sleeping with my so's ex. They way they spoke about it...it was disturbing to me. Then my so said "well at least her pussy doesn't taste like my dick anymore". He wrote that to his friend and showed me.

I'm not completely sure why this bothered me so much. Maybe because I know the girl is his first love?

This morning I woke up with a bad migraine. Had to find meds before going to the airport. That was a hassle But we get to the airport and he is being a complete dick to me. Basically because he was hungry. I was trying my hardest to be nice and just follow whatever. I ended up sleeping after we got through security waiting for the plane and sleeping on the plane. I felt sick to my stomach and horrible. I also am afraid of flying so this was a bad day for me.

He woke me up well before our plane landed I don't know why. He just did. I was trying to keep my eyes open but having a hard time, and again, felt so sick.

He was grumpy on the plane, and my power cord for my phone wasn't working and he wouldn't let me use his side. (You know how you can charge your phone on the plane...that's what I'm talking about That little outlet). He said I didn't need it and could just use his phone. I said ok.

We get off the plane and I'm still sick, groggy, and not with it from the meds and migraine. I'm trying to get out the door, but an old lady was needing help. My so was behind me. He got mad and pushed me with his bag into those two people blocking the doorway, telling me to tell them to move. I snapped at him and continued down the stairs. Then I forget my coat on the plane, had to go back up and get it. I get it and come down the stairs and he's talking to a friend of his. I told him we were going to miss our ferry and my mother is waiting on us. (There's a ferry from one island where the airport is to the island that has the town).

He got mad because I interrupted him. (I wanted to get my kids. Hadn't seen them in days). He said we could catch the next one. I said no, we have people waiting on us. After pushing me into the old ladies because he was in a hurry, and now he wants me to wait??

We get across and go to my daughters grandmas house to pick her up. Grandma asked me what happened with the guy that killed himself. Since I know them all personally, I started to tell her. My so said he didn't want to hear about it again, that he's been hearing about it for the last 36hrs and he's tired of it. He was really rude, and it wasn't even his house!!! I told him to stop, and grandma asked me another question about that situation. I began answering her, and my so stormed out and slammed her door!!!

I get to the car where my mother is and him and my mother was going through my purse trying to find the doc notes. (I hate it when she does that). Well my so and my mom were yelling st each other because of it. (Mind you I am still sick.)

My so tells me to drop him off at the house. I say ok. I knew he was leaving in his truck so I drove down the parking lot past the house to his truck. He gets mad at me because I did that. Saying that he wanted to go to the house. I said ok I'll drop you off there and he gets out and storms off pissed.

I go pick up my son from a friends and come back. My house was broken into. My house was thrashed. I call the cops and make a report

After everything that has been going on, my so turns around and is a dick. Why? Because he didn't get food when he wanted, because he didn't have weed. Because when he wanted to smoke a ciggerettes, I handed him my lighter instead of his. Is disrespectful to my daughters grandma. Is disrespectful to my mom and me. And now he's laying on the couch acting like nothing happened.

Wtf. Wtf do I do? This is all so messed up.

(By the way, still totally upset about my friends suicide and what led up to his suicide. Cyber bullying is a very real thing....)