am i lazy and weak like he said?

i just gave birth to my 1st child, im the only one taking care of him, and the only one doing housewrk. my hub wrks 12hrs, 3days a week. even w his 4days off, he never helps, he just sleep til 7pm, and stays in another room doing who knows what in his phone. my baby cries a lot, he always want me to bounce him, if i dont, hed cry. if i dont hold onto him while hes awake, hed cry. he takes 30mins nap, and sleeps for only an hr. i basically only get 3hrs of sleep, 4 the longest. while baby naps, i rush into housechores. i never really have time to cook a meal. my hub always yells at me that im so lazy, i always sleep, i dont ever cook for him, he says im a bad mother aka wife. he acts like this is so hard for me, comparing me to other women. but he doesnt see the fact that im doin all this by myself. those womens husband helps them. i said this to him and he started talking about divorcing me. he said it was a mistake to marry me, he regrets giving me a child, and hes planning on divorcing me. i remember before giving birth, he told me hed help cook for me, in the end, he tells me to do everything and that its my duty. im ready for divorce, my baby and i dont even need him. he said if he does divorce me, hes gonna take custody of our child, and pay someone to take care of him!! idk what im even doing wrong for him to be like this to me.... even before giving birth, he said im weak for being sick thruout 1st trimester. but if i am, i would let my sickness get to me and not even mow the lawn for him.