Pregnant with baby number 1 😊


After our second month of trying to conceive we got our faint BFP on the afternoon of 16/10!

On the morning of 16/10 I was 10DPO and thought I would do a first response test... it looked negative but if I angled it and looked at it in the light like a crazy lady I thought I could see a shadow of a line but assumed it was negative. That evening I was peering at it again and thought hey I have a 7 pack of these so why not just waste another? So I peed on another waiting for it to become negative and bang! A line appeared! I was so shocked!! I have had no symptoms apart from some faint cramping last week. I keep testing though as I love seeing the line darken... it’s like an addiction πŸ˜‚ making a doctors appointment for next week.