I'm drowning...


My "boyfriend", who I live, and share an 8 month old son with, is AWOL. He wont text or call me back after he said he would be home "soon" hours ago. We have a joint bank account, which he uses almost exclusively, and I can see that he has spent nearly $200, at bars, and has taken out another $100 for who knows what else. We are struggling to make ends meet and this is the 3rd time he has gone on an alcoholic binge in 2 weeks, after about a year of being mostly sober. I don't know what to do. I know that I don't want my son to see this kind of behavior, because it isn't healthy, but he has a while before he can understand what is going on, so do I give my boyfriend another chance to get sober? We have been together 4 years and he has had struggles with alcoholic behavior for longer than we have been together.