Open cervix 8w today


So yesterday when I went in to doctors for them to check me for a yeast infection when they were checking they noticed that my cervix was open and they can stick a finger in they said it was not normal for them to be seeing this due to me being this early and it only being my first pregnancy they stated that I could be going through a miscarriage but they wanted to do US to make sure when the doctor came back into room with a mini US machine she rubbed it in my stomach and she seen flickering of a heartbeat she said that makes her feel good so she scheduled me a actually US for this morning to actually look at the baby when I went in today and got US baby was doing good heartbeat 164 measures right at 8w and they said everything looks normal the only weird thing is my cervix being open they brought in a specialist to talk to me about what we they can do she said it doesn't look like a miscarriage because baby is fine and my cervix is the right size and they don't know why it's open she wants to see me when I'm 16w to see how it looks to make sure my water bag haven't lowered my next appointment is nov 13 and their just going to look at it but if it's still not looking right the specialist wants them to inform her...have anyone been through this before?