Stressed and heartbroken

My boyfriend of 2 1/2 years broke up with me on my first day of my last year of university because he couldn’t take the long distance- it’s a 3 hours drive- for another year - we got together 6/7 months before I started uni. His job is at home and prevents him from travelling so it was up to 5-6 weeks before we’d see each other.

It’s been 3 weeks since we broke up and we still talk to one another the same amount as before but there are these new boundaries that being broken up has created. I still love him so much, but I know being at University means we can’t be together anymore.

My heart physically hurts, I’m homesick and stressed and my hormones are flaring up and I know I’m in a very negative headspace but I don’t know what to do to get out of it.

I’m just looking for advice from anyone whose been in a similar situation or just has advice on falling the hormones and stress