Just want your opinion


So me and my sister got into and argument about our kids.. we agreed to share responsibility when it came to getting them from school and baby sitting when we had to work but for a while I felt like she hasn't been holding up her side of our agreement..well today she asked me to bring her to pick up my moms truck late at night so she could go to work and I couldn't understand why it had be so late when I live 25min away and my brother was gonna be home at 6 so I called my mom and she said she wasn't giving her the truck cuz she would have no way home so I told my sister what she said and then she said she hadn't spoke to her yet and she assumed I would get my mom from work I told thats not what we discussed and she got upset and walked off...later she text me saying I'm not pulling my wait and then I told her how I felt and we agreed we would take care of our own kids from now on which was fine with me... later she text me saying before something happens to me she forgive me and I'm pregnant and have one foot in the grave... is it me or is that fucked up to tell someone especially your own sister???