Need advice asap :(

Hi... I have 2 children, my son is 4 and daughter is 10months and has a rare disease. I'm due for our third little girl in January however my waters broke at 27 weeks (29weeks now) and I'm being closely monitored with blood tests every 2 days and scans to make sure baby is okay in there. Im not in hospital because it was a hind water leak however still at risk for infection so I am closely monitored. (Different protocol for different cases and different countries) I'm super stressed and scared. I feel more alone than I have ever felt. My fiancé is hopeless. I'm a stay at home mom, but also on bed rest so shouldn't be doing much but I do as much as I can to please him and make sure it's clean and food is always on the table ready for him. He always acts like I do nothing at all. He is always putting me down and nagging I don't do enough. Yes he works. But I'm trying my best. He hasn't come to any appointment or hospital visit, only 1 ultrasound which was at 20 weeks. I feel like a single mum. His family is also super controlling and bossy. It makes everything so much harder. I am so close to leaving him, I love him so much and I'm trying so hard but I'm not sure how much longer I can take this. I've told him that, but he laughs it off and knows I won't leave. I want him to know I'm serious and will give him a chance but how can I tell him that without him not taking me seriously and just laughing at me ? I don't need anymore stress :(

Positive comments only please.