Pregnancy Scare... or pregnant ?


Hi! So I’m writing in here because I can’t stop worrying about this. Let me start w the birth control history. I got off of the pill in April, and got the copper IUD. I am currently studying abroad in France. About 10 days before I left I had an ultra sound to check the position of my IUD. It was too low, my uterus has “cramped it out”. So I had to get it removed that day right away. Of course I didn’t really have time to get a new one before France. So anyways. There were two instances where I had sex w my boyfriend before I left. Both times consisted of a short period max 1 minute without a condom on. And neither of the times did he cum in me(even while the condom was on).

So I left sept. 4. And my period finished Sept. 3 (started the 29 Aug.). I still have yet to get a period. Here are the reasons I think I may still be getting it:

- it’s only my second period post IUD removal.

- it’s only my 6th period since getting off the pill

Both of these make predicting what my cycle is very hard.

- If I change <a href="">Eve</a> to say that I got my period today, this cycles is only 9 days longer than my last cycle.

- I’ve taken one pregnancy test on October 10 and it was negative.

I’m petrified of what to do because even though I speak french well, the thought of going to a Gyno and having to communicate in French is so scary.

I have one more test that I plan to take later today.

It’s greatly affecting my sleep and how I want to interact with people. Even though I feel supported by those who I’ve talked to, I feel isolated.