TTC feeling anxious...


As most of you women, I have been trying to conceive for years! I had two miscarriages in April of 2016 then October 2016. My fiancé and I decided to stop "preventing" pregnancy in July 2017 in hopes that it would just happen, and of course... nothing 😔 I have PCOS so it's always been a struggle. I've been on clomid in the past maybe two or three years ago and nothing. My ob/gyn did blood work prior to putting me on clomid that she said would tell if I ovulate, depending on how that blood work came back, then they would do an exploratory surgery to see if my tubes were blocked. All of that blood work came back fine but she put me on the clomid anyway. Well starting this month, we went and got OPK's, been checking my BBT, using preseed, I started metformin, also been using the upspring fertility capsules. I am currently 9DPO with expected AF on 10/25. I've been having symptoms similar to my pms which could be either that or pregnancy. I just want it to be our month and finally get the chance to be a mother. I've been an emotional wreck so I guess I'm just posting this for good vibes, prayers, and baby dust. I'm not gonna test until after my missed period. Please God answer our prayers this month!