soooo my period hasn't started

okay so hello. I'm 20 years old and I'm late. by almost 3 days. me and my boyfriend have had protected sex on my fertile days. And it was like that until the last few days (I should habe started my period by then) we didn't use protection. But I knew my period was about to start.. And I just started using the pill the day we had unprocted sex.. so there is a number of different things that could cause it to be late. I also read that being aroused (I HAVE NOT HAD A DAY WITH OUT IT FOR A WHOLE MONTH, because we started dating the 22nd of September and we have been seeing each other every single day since that.) can delay your period and stress. (I was in the process of being kicked out of my house for the whole month but I finally moved in with the gparents) so.. some Insight would be great. I went thru a miscarriage about 6 months ago and didn't have sex until I started dating my boyfriend... please be kind. this is really scaring me