
Krystle💖 • From uk 🇬🇧

Confused first time ebf any advice be great

I bleed for 3 weeks after emergency c section then stopped turned brown last few days ( sorry ) then at 4 weeks I bleed heavy red for 5 days period dr thought period I'm now 10 weeks pp tomorrow.

sun & mon I spotted while wiped both late in to afternoon twice at most but then disappeared had cramping with it felt weird.

I plot period at 4 weeks on glow just to track my periods. Glow keeps predicting period have to keep moving deleting

Should I be worried a friend suggested implantation or is it just irregular with bf?

my friend bf and didn't get periods till she stopped. I've read so much on bf not a contraception if long feed gap 4 hours if feeding every hour your ok my daughter has had spells she was going 5-6 hours first 2-3 weeks at night feeding on demand through day then cluster feeding happened 4 weeks day and night since 7 weeks she has gone 4 hourly day and night any suggestions as also read you don't need period to ovulate . Hope this makes sense