Was I wrong to do this?

So about a month ago I was at the mall and I found a cute onesie shirt for my son and it fit his personality perfectly, he's a year old almost 2 but it just happened to have a swear word on it. It said "Savage as fuck" on it. He can be savage sometimes when he gets into a tantrum and decides to destroy his room or if he's just hyper as hell and wants to play with everything and doesn't want to listen, otherwise he's a really good boy. He can't read yet and he still just barely understands the things we say sometimes so honestly I didn't think it was much of a problem, to him it was just a shirt. Well my family thought otherwise and a lot of them had a fit about it the ONE TIME I had him wear it and it wasn't even to a family event or anything, we went out with a couple of our friends for dinner and we took him with us. Im still not hearing the end of it and everyone said it was wrong for me to put that shirt on him and they are all making a big deal out if it, it's just a shirt and he hasn't worn it since... Was it really wrong of me to get that for him?