Blighted ovum now Chemical pregnancy

R • Baby Girl Due July 👶🏼

I just wanted to share my story because I feel like it will help 😩

July I found out I was pregnant after coming off the depo in Feb. I was overjoyed. I got some kidney pain and was sent for a scan which really was a blessing in disguise because I was supposed to be 6 weeks but wasn't even showing a sac transvaginal.

Early pregnancy unit confirmed blighted ovum with more scans and bloods tests where hcg would not double and scans showing empty sac. I decided to go for d and e and was told I could start trying straight away.

I started tracking my ovulation 4 weeks after the op and sure enough a few days in I got a positive opk, which was great I was excited.

2 week wait goes by and I start testing early. very very faint line appears and now it's gone. Spotting has started half an hour ago. I was a mess. Literally.

I know my journey is nothing compared to some ladies but it makes me feel better sharing it with people who are going through or have gone through the same thing.

I am hurting but am trying to remain positive. I am scared that me and my partner just aren't "compatible" genetically to have children. Two early miscarriages in a row... could it be coincidence, am I just extremely unlucky? Am I being punished for something? Only time will tell... but I will always have the support of you wonderful ladies here ❤️👶🏼

Praying for my rainbow x