Got sent home 😢


I went to my dr this morning for contractions that were 2-3 minutes apart and pretty painful. They confirmed and said I was a “good 4cm, 80% effaced and at a 0 station”. They called L&D; and said I had to go straight there. I went there and they monitored me AGAIN for 4 hours and because my cervix was “still pretty much the same except he is extremely low” they were sending me home. I was/am still having 2-3 minutes apart contractions. Now I don’t know when I should go to the hospital.... this is my second and I don’t wanna he sent home again but also don’t want to give birth on the side of the road. Not to mention I’m an HOUR+ away from the hospital. I am so sad and in pain. Im 38+2 by the way. Sorry I just needed to rant