Back to work


So the dreadful time has come for me to go back to work. And GOD I'm an absolute mess!! I knew this time would come but I did not know I would feel this way. I've been crying endlessly for the last 24 hrs, at the fear of leaving my baby boy home. Is this normal? Am I the only one who feels this way? My husband doesn't understand why I'm so emotional. However since he's been born he's been with me 24/7. I have no family in the United States, so I have been taking care of my baby on my own with my husband. Im worried he's going to miss me and my presence as he's always under me and always with me. I'm scared of missing milestones because I'm going to be at work. I just want to be home with my baby is that to much to ask for? Even as I type this now the tears won't stop flowing. On top of this Im conceived i have post partum depression and my emotions are all over the place.