Enoxaparin sodium/ clexane injections


I started my injections yesterday after two MCs we are hoping this one will stick, our consultant has me taking daily folic acid and aspirin and now injections.

It took my husband and I ten mins of laughing trying to stab me until I eventually let him do it. Well it stung so much and I instantly cried and continued to cry for around ten mins.

I think it was a mixture of pain and the fact I have to do this daily and I’m not even sure for how long. I felt so bad for my poor husband who just sat there saying I’m sorry and hugging me.

I’m usually ok with pain and I’m a nurse but I really don’t think I will be able to give it to myself. All in the name of keeping this rainbow baby it’s totally worth it but I feel like I’m being punished for wanting something we’ve wanted for years now two MCs and numerous tests and now this daily I must have really pissed someone off.

Is anyone else on these injections who feel he same? The picture is to my brother who sent one back with a big smile saying yeah ok! No chance bro!