I Feel Selfish😔

I feel so selfish because I'm choosing alcohol over my mental health. I've struggled with anxiety my whole life and I've recently been diagnosed with a sleep disorder (Circadian Rhythm Disorder) and I'm old enough to take the strong medicines that will help me, but I don't take them because I don't want to give up alcohol. I'm not an alcoholic, but I don't smoke and I refuse to do drugs, so booze is the only way I can relax after a hard day. You can't drink while taking anxiety and sleeping medicines otherwise it could potentially kill you among other high health risks. I think I need to seek even more medical help because my anxiety and sleep disorder are starting to work together to the point where if I get too anxious during the day or right before bed, I can kiss my chances of falling asleep that night goodbye. I kick myself every moment I feel anxious or can't sleep because I know I have the tools I need to fix it (the meds), but I don't want to give up being able to go have a drink with my friends.