Symptoms somewhat fading

I am currently 7 weeks 6days and have noticed my nausea not as bad along with the tenderness of my boobs. It is really strange Monday morning I felt fine boobs were just a touch tender then Monday late afternoon my boobs were ridiculously swollen and sore and I ended up feeling so sick I thought I was going to pass out. Tuesday I didn't feel to bad , boobs a little tender . Now this morning boobs are barley tender at all . I don't feel nauseous . I am soooo scared as my last pregnancy the baby stopped growing at 8 weeks 2 days . I didn't find out until 11 weeks by ultra sound (missed miscarriage) it was awful! Something I am experiencing is fluttery twitches in my stomache if I lay on my back I see my stomache twitch . I have a 3 year old so I know this is not the baby , although I did not experience this in any of my other pregnancies. If anyone has any advice it would sure be appreciated