Rainbow on the way !!!

Krista • 32 year old mom of a beautiful 3 year old, two miscarriages and one ectopic . Currently pregnant with our 🌈

After having a miscarriage in March we have our rainbow on the way! It’s been a rocky start ... last Wednesday I got a light positive then started bleeding so I thought I was crazy .... I went to the doctor on Thursday to start clomid and they called me back and told me I was pregnant but my levels were only an 8, I went home a cried and went back two days later and my levels came back at 54 so they told me I may have some hope. Went back yesterday and they did a sono and they say a sac !!! And my numbers doubled again to 255. They’re still telling me to be cautious but optimistic. Please pray for me that this little baby sticks !!!!