TTC.. how long did it take you to get your BFP👀

Mz. Tiffany

We’ve been trying since January & the doctor said it can take up to 6 months to a year to become pregnant WELL it’s now 8 months going on 9 months and still no BFP.. I literally had to stop overthinking and just let whatever is supposed to happen just happen in Gods timing. I’m 27 and I know that isn’t old but I just want to get the baby train going so our son doesn’t have to be alone for long. Plus I was the only child and having a big family would be amazing. Me and hubby are both on the same page with having more children. I’m thankful for him because he calms my nerves so much! Plus I’m starting a new career and things have been going well in other aspects in our lives and working towards even better. Only in Gods timing 🙏🏽