Almost break up possible future break up?

Me and my boyfriend of 2 years almost broke up last night. He says he doesn’t feel like he’s been as committed to this relationship as he should be due to his job and says I deserve someone who won’t half ass a relationship with me. I can’t say I don’t agree with that and a we’ve had a lot of fights recently but that doesn’t mean I want him to leave. We went back and forth cried hugged kissed it seemed like I couldn’t change his mind but eventually he did we had crazy intense sex after but I’m just feeling a little off now...this morning I asked him if we were still together cause I was confused he said yes but as soon as he got to work he asked me how I felt about him staying with his mom for a month to deal with things because he’s not sure if he didn’t break it off just to make me happy or because he really wanted to... I agreed to it with conditions and wrote him that I respected his wishes a long with how I felt about him and a picture of us asking him not to forget us and he just thanked me for respecting his wishes...I just want advice or if someone else’s relationship had been through this and able to work out after all? I’m really depressed right now and now that he’s going to be gone I don’t know how I’m going to handle my anxiety and depression:( he was the only one that could make me feel better💔