I did something horrible 😔


So my husband has been deployed for 3 months now and at the beginning I told him that I wasn’t gonna cheat and I told myself I wasn’t gonna cheat on him... I didn’t have sex with anymore but I did sext a guy who I’ve been knowing for 5 years now. This guy has been wanting to have sex with me ever since we first met each other and I’ve told him no. Back then I was just dating my husband. Well this guy sent me a picture before and my husband saw the notification on Snapchat... well I told my husband about his guy and he said that he doesn’t want me to talk to him again.... long story short is my husband hasn’t been in the mood lately but I have and last night I was drinking and I kind of messaged that other guy and we started sexting😔... how can I tell my husband that I did this? I feel horrible about it and I understand if y’all have some terrible things to say to me. I just need advice..