Feeling worried... do I still have a chance?


Warning: long post... So my cycles tend to range from 31-35 days, with last month being 38 days. Last month, I started using Opks for the first time, testing at CD 12 and didn't get a positive until CD 21. This month, my fertile week was predicted to start on the 16th (CD 15) according to Glow, while another app predicted I would start on the 18th. So I end up starting to test that day since I figured maybe my positive would come around CD 21 again. Totally not the case! Ended up with a positive OPK the next day (CD 16) at 2 pm (confirmed with smiley on CB). After inputting into Glow and my other app I use, it totally shifted my FW. We did BD starting the 17th, which were all late times around 1230 or 1 am since we had to wait for our LO to fall asleep. I'm worried that since we didn't get to BD before the FW or even the first half of it, that it messed up our chances. I know I did ovulate on the 18th based on cramping and temping (first time using bbt). So a lot of our BD was close to O and after. I just feel frustrated because I was so geared up and prepared for this month only to find that I almost missed my O because I assumed O would be later based on my cycles... Here's hoping for the best!