Bleeding, HELP!

So my bf and I, were doing our thaaaang this morning and well he kinda missed and hit the area between my vag and my butt, but when i stood up, we both noticed i was bleeding. I went to the bathroom to wipe to see where the blood was coming from; it wasn’t from my butt, nor the area between, but from my vag, the area he didn’t necessarily hit. The blood was bright red and occasionally had bright red clots. It faded into a light pink, but the bleeding is still there. I have already had a period this month, but it was shorter than usual. I asked my mom about it, and she thinks it might be implantation bleeding, but isn’t sure. I don’t want to go to the ER unless symptoms worsen or don’t clear up. Along with the bleeding i have experienced some cramps. Neither my mom, my boyfriend, nor I can come to a conclusion as to what exactly is happening. Please help lol.