Am I wrong?!

Okay so I work at a local Pet store in Alabama. I've been here almost a year now and have been bathing the dogs in the grooming salon for about 4 months. The groomer pays me, not the company. The groomer also makes about 1500$ on a bad week, so paying me 8.50 an hour isn't nothing. We have ALOT of regular dogs that come in weekly and most are only for baths, which I do. There are about 10 weekly customers that leave tips. I was always told that I was required to give the tips to the groomer so I always have even though I didn't agree with it considering I done the work.. I found out recently that I'm not requires to give the tips to her if they are for bath dogs so I started keeping the tips. Today at work a regular come in and of course left a 5$ tip. He gave it to a store worker and the store worker have it to me in front of the groomer. I could tell the groomer wasn't happy because I didn't give it to her but let's be honest, I bathed the dog and handled the dog the whole 4 hours it was there so it's mine. Before I left i over heard the groomer talking to another employee about it and she claims that "all the tips should be hers (even on bath dogs that she don't touch) because she pays me." I disagree with this because I done the work. It's almost like a restaurant owner taking tips from waitresses because he is the one to pay him. WHAT DO I DO?! AM I WRONG?!