How Accurate is "The Ring Test?"

Lydia • ❤Married #July1st2017 ❤

How many of y'all have done the ring test, where you put a strand of your hair through your ring and dangle it over your belly? How accurate is this? I've heard it's almost scary accurate for a lot of people. For me personally, I've done this test 10x and each time I've gotten the same results: Boy, Boy, Girl, Girl, Boy, Girl. My husband and I currently have 0 biological children together, but I do have a stepdaughter through my husband's previous marriage. My husband and I have been trying for 1 years as of this month (October 2017) and I am almost 21 and my husband just turned 30. But what I'd like to know is if we're really going to have 6 kids in the future cuz personally I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE for that to happen lol ❤❤❤ ALSO! My husband and I found out recently that he has a set of twins in his family tree (late 1800's) So is it also possible that my ring test results are predicting 2 sets of twins? (Boy Boy) (Girl Girl) Boy Girl