venting .......

Where do I start guys seriously.... let me just start by saying that I need new friends . My circle is very small like tiny. I’m so frustrated ,I use to have a friend she and I were very close before she got pregnant. To back track a bit me and husband suffer from infertility. We are still fighting this battle but when I found out my best friend was pregnant I was over joyed for her . I have treated this child as if it was my own by baby sitting buying clothes buying basically everything he needs. Of corse when I found out she was pregnant I was really heart broken because at that point me and my husband had been trying for a baby for four years and no luck . Please don’t judge me on what I’m about to say but I feel like she was insensitive to my situation like I know she was very happy and I know that it’s not her fault but if I was in her shoes I would want to tell me in person ! I would support my best friend. I would be sensitive to the subject. But not at any point did she ever care how I felt about things . I feel like she doesn’t appreciate anything I do for her. I’m ending this friend ship because I’m tired of her not appreciating anything I do for and the only time she calls is when she needs a baby sister . I’m over it . Today we were supposed to have lunch just me and her but she canceled because she had to “work “then I log on to Facebook to see she went to the pumpkin patch. I guess my point is that I’m not important to her she can give a shit less about me and I feel like i deserve a better fucking friend then that .....