
Okay you guys, my boyfriend and I have been trying for baby #2 and so far it hasn’t worked out but we decided to try again in September otherwise we were gonna focus on getting healthy and get ready to move out of our apartment. My cycle was normal in September and I tracked my ovulation by just my CM and to be honest I didn’t even think that we had sex enough to become pregnant since we only did 3 times! So I wasn’t expecting to become pregnant this month and I was very upset when I noticed I was cramping and my boobs were aching because those are normal af signs for me! She was due October 6th but the day came and it passed but I didn’t think of it because I’m either 2 days late or 2 days early! So I waited...I already took 2 tests and they were negative! 😪 So a few days pass and I get 2 more tests and of course they’re negative! Few more days pass and I finally decide to buy a digital and a line test and of course it’s negative! I finally called the Dr. yesterday and made an appointment for next week because it’s been 2 weeks since I had my period! It’s so irritating because it never happens and I’m usually on time! I felt like something was either wrong with me or that the tests I bought (first response) were all wrong.. So today I go out with my girlfriend and my son to get ready for Halloween and then we stop in Target to find some cute clothes and I say well I’m already here so I might as well buy another test! 😂 I can’t help myself I swear it’s so hard to not want to buy tests! But this time I decided to buy a different brand (clear blue) and I get home and I take one and expecting it to be negative so I’m just sitting on the toilet for the 3 minutes looking on my phone scrolling my feed for Glow so then I look over to look at the test

and to my surprise.... ITS FREAKING POSITIVE! So I take another one.. ITS POSITIVE! And then I say screw it and I take the last one and I’m trying to keep my hand still while I dip it and that one comes up positive right away! OH MY GOSHHHHH! IM SO EXCITED RIGHT NOW AND IM SO BLESSED IT FINALLY HAPPENED! GOD IS GOOD! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️