*UPDATE* You ARE the Father...


So my husband has never met his father. His dad left when he was a baby and was raised solely by his mother. He's always felt like something was missing by not having his father in his life.

Well, last year we tracked down where his dad worked, or so we thought - he had been fired just 2 months before after working there for over 10 years. The owners were great and told us a little about his dad, little characteristics, things he was into and even provided us with his phone number! Problem was, he was out of the country as he usually was as he went back home every winter for about 6 months.

I've tried to call the number a few times, although my husband says he doesn't care I can see it in his eyes - he's just scared of being hurt.

Well fast forward over a year later and my husband brought up that he happened to drive by his old job and saw that the company was closed. I decided to try his number again then and there half thinking he won't answer like usual - but he answered!!!

It was tough to understand him and there's a bit of a language barrier, but I pressed on. I asked if he was (we'll call him Ken), and he said he was. I told him I was the wife of his son, (we'll call him Jason) and he automatically says he's not Ken, although he has just admitted to being him. He then asked why are we calling after so many years (30+) and what we wanted. I told him we didn't want money, but my husband just wanted to meet him and know who is father was. He said no and hung up the phone, so of course I called back

I'm surprised he answered but I put my husband on the phone this time hoping if he heard his voice some type of paternal instinct would kick in. He basically told my husband the same thing and that he was going to call his lawyer that he was not going to give him money. He kept asking my husband why he wanted to meet him now after so long and my husband said the same thing, he just wanted to know who his father was before it was too late. Ken just kept telling him no, and I'm super protective of my husband and couldn't stand the hurt look on his face so I grabbed the phone and basically told that old asshole that he would be lucky to have my husband in his life and it was his loss. I told him he was old and is probably going to die in the next 10 years and it'll be up to him to answer to god for why he was such a deadbeat father. To which he responded with, "when can you come to meet me?"

Um, what? Are we having the same conversation? When we were as sweet as can be he kept saying no, but when I gave him a piece of my mind he's ready to meet him? Ugh, so he was obviously extremely difficult and refused to meet him on my husband's day off on Monday or Tuesday because he was taking his girlfriend out

So my husband is hoping to finish work a bit earlier tomorrow to meet his deadbeat father at some McDonald's his pathetic excuse for a father wants to meet him at. He refuses to tell us how he looks other than that he'll be wearing glasses, and is ridiculously uncooperative.

I'm obviously going to go to support my husband but am terrified that he will be hurt by this jerk who truly doesn't deserve his time. a part of me regrets phoning him and I keep asking my husband if he really wants to go, I never thought his dad would have reacted like this. Wouldn't you want to meet your child after 30 years?

I guess I'll update whomever wants to know tomorrow, after we meet his "father". I'm hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.


We're on our way to meet my husband's deadbeat father and my anxiety is through the roof but I'm over here smiling like everything is fine. I honestly hope and pray this does well... I'll update once we leave - let's see if he even shows up 🤞🏽


Hey guys, the app kept crashing on me and wouldn't let me post saying it's too long.

I posted the second update with the same topic name in adult relationships, so you can check there for what happened tonight.

For those of you unsure of how to find the post, just copy the topic name and paste or type it into your search bar. It's saved as, "*UPDATE 2* You ARE the Father..."

Sorry! Xo 💕