Losing hope

Audrey • Just letting nature take it`s course...

My boyfriend of 7 years and I decided earlier this year we would start TTC. I have been off BC for almost 3 years and no baby. My cycles were insanely irregular for the 1st year. I’m talking a period every 3 months. Finally with a little exercise they began to regulate, kind of. I would have a period consecutively for 2 months, then miss a month. Finally my cycles were consistent at around 47 days, which I didn’t realize was so irregular. I followed my doctor’s advice to get healthy so I started crossfit and healthier eating habits. In June of this year I literally had a period every 10 days. The first bleeding that happened after my period I assumed was caused by a sudden change to my body and routine. My doctor was super nonchalant about my concerns so I went to a different doctor for a 2nd opinion. She gave me a high estrogen BC to take for a month in hopes of restarting my cycles. If I got my cycle within 35 days, we were in the clear, if not, she was going to send me to fertility. Well I had my period and on time. I continued to have my period and ovulate like clockwork for 3 months, which brings us to today. This month, I tested during my ovulation window and had 3 days of high fertility which I haven’t had since my irregular cycle days. These last recent months I would have 1 day of high fertility and peak the next day. Anyways, babe and I had sex during my fertile window, although I don’t think it was actually during ovulation....still having a hard time figuring that out. Well I’m a week late on my period and so I took 2 pregnancy tests a few days apart and both were a BFN! Now I’m concerned that my body is going back to being irregular now that the BC is likely out of my system.

Sorry this message is super long and I’m hoping whoever reads it can maybe give me some insight because I don’t know what to think anymore. I know it’s only been 3 months of trying but I’m getting a little discouraged not knowing what is wrong with my body