Period advice (I’m in the right place haha)


So I stopped taking the pill 6 weeks ago the pill completely stopped my periods, before that I was ok the coil which stopped them and the depo which stopped them!

So I haven’t had a period in a long time! Since I was about 18 I’m now 26 🙈 I feel like I’m a beginner again tbh but it’ll all be for a good reason lol

After stopping the pill what kind of period did you have? Was it short or long, light or heavy and is there anyway I can stop this pain?

I’m not even lying when I say my back and stomach hurts more than when I was having contractions with my daughter 🙈 I’m so heavy it is unreal and I don’t really know what to do 🤷🏼‍♀️ heaviness I can’t really help but advice on the pain? Lol

Feel like I need to use the toilet all the time and feel so sicky with it!